hope is all i can do at the moment.....
.......hope, i will pass my exams with B grades.....
.....hope, i will pass my driving test first time.....
.....hope my interview will go well at Leeds University next week.....
....hope i don't get anymore uni rejections.....
....hope i get interview at both York and Sheffield Hallam.....
....hope, i don't become too dishearten at being rejected by Nottingham.....
....hope all my family remain well.....
....hope, to make a big step forward in recovery.....
.....hope, stupid ED doesn't ruin my chances of uni and becoming a nurse....
....hope i don't let my ED take control.....
.....hope Disneyland paris is everything i dream off......
All i can do is hope for best, keep my fingers crossed and do everything in my power to make sure i don't to hope much longer, all my hopes will become realilty.